“Linda was amazing with our two rescue dogs (a terrier from Mexico) and an Aussie (a former puppy mill breeding dog.) The Aussie was having lots of anxiety issues and getting into trouble. Linda was able to redirect the dogs and get them interested in more positive behavior. Both dogs loved working with Linda and I've never seen them so excited and happy as when Linda would arrive for their training sessions.”
-- Eric (NE Portland)
"I had no idea what I was getting into when I got my 3-month-old Goldendoodle! I really appreciate how quickly Linda came out to meet us and got right down to business getting us off to the right start. I know without a doubt that I would not be as sane as I am now if it wasn't for Linda."
-- Alicia & Family(SE Portland)
“Our whole family thoroughly enjoyed the month of training we did with Jack. We'd never done any training before (my husband did a little but it was a long time ago) and I found it fascinating, also Jack learned much quicker than I thought he would. Our kids got to be involved in training sessions and they can all get Jack to come when called and sit. I have given people your business card and said "Tell her Jack sent you!"
-- Rick & Terri & Family (SE Portland)
“I was literally mortified by the behavior of our rescued dogs as well as terrified that something terrible would happen. I now understand them much better and I think they are beginning to understand us as well! We have a long way to go with them but I know we can do it. I would recommend K-9 Prodigy Dog Training to anyone looking for good training.”
--K.T. (Beaverton)
“The change in Dali's behavior was amazing. We are now a team.”
--Sarah T (SW Portland)
“My Chiweenie had a rough start due to an injury he received at age 3.5 months. We could no longer go to puppy class and he seemed to be taking on a fear towards life or just not being as happy. I didn't know what to do for him. The final straw was when some friends came over and he ran away to hide from them, but in the process managed to re-injure himself and another vet visit! Linda came out the same day to look at my house and make sure he wouldn't hurt himself again, then we spent the next few weeks doing modified remedial socialization as well as teaching him some things like targeting and nose work (sniffing out specific odors) that he could do while recovering and wouldn't stress him. He's doing much better now at 7 months although you can't get puppyhood back, Linda was a blessing to have available to help through the rough time.”
--Debi & Family (SE Portland)
“The most incredible part of training my 87-pound Rottweiler-Lab-Pit Bull mix, who was a nightmare pulling on the leash, it would take a hurcules to walk him, was when Linda said OK, let's first train him to heel off leash in the yard. That in itself was a miracle that he could not only not pull on the leash but actually heel without a leash at all but then I saw that he just had a problem of concentration and he had to learn how to focus and not run ahead every 3 steps! I just walk to slow for him lol ok? He finally figured out that I walk to slow and that he had to slow his steps to match me. We took about 2 1/2 of the 4 weeks in the yard offleash which surprised me but it then really did make a difference when we started going on real walks also in week 3. He was much easier to calm and focus. The only place he still has some trouble is the Cat Yard! [feral cat colony.] but even that is getting better.
--Sarah L. (N Portland)
"I would highly recommend Linda and her skills. She was great."
-- J.W. (SE Portland)
"Linda had a great effect on my dogs behavior. I was at a complete loss because I had never had any behavioral problems in any dog I'd had and I have been a dog owner for more than 40 years. She really knows her stuff. Thank you from Carrie, Max, Sam, and Tigger."
-- Carrie (Beaverton)
"I have a Shelter Special (we think a German shepherd/hound/golden retriever mix about 55 pounds) which I admit was really spoiled. I was expecting training to be really formal and harsh and I didn't think I could correct my dogs behavior without feeling guilty about it. But I also felt guilty because I know dogs need some structure and guidance. Linda made me feel extremely comfortable with my own personal issues around dogs and also I have some anxiety because I was bitten two times by other dogs. I am a lot more confident working with Schatze now and she is less spoiled but every bit as loved! It's true that your dog does nOT always need treats if you train it with treats. She is so good all the time now."
-- Claire (N Portland)
"Our rescue dog (Beagle/pit mix?) needed a lot of help with being afraid of pretty much everything. It took a while but I see her courage building every day. The amount of patience Linda had with Buster is what really made the difference. Small victories literally happen every day now."
-- Jason & Keleigh (N Portland)
We are currently updating our Testimonial Page! If you were a client of K-9 Prodigy (even if it was a long time ago!) and would like to send your testimonial in, just email to lbane@k9prodigy.com. You can write as much or as little as you'd like!
Thank you!